суббота, 18 января 2020 г.


Bob ross on my guitar!! Last winter's storm tore up a lot, so now fixed, and this week there will be washing and impregnation. Embalse de Barrios de Luna. The west media don't report this wonderful event and a rally of more than 20 millions or if they report, they show it unimportant. Show Instant Engagement Rate. amalia ghine

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Bob ross on my guitar!! One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: The west media don't report this wonderful event and a rally of more than 20 millions or if they report, they show it unimportant. Today it was time to fix the tipi to withstand rain and snow in winter.

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Rusty crayfish Orconectes rusticus on land. Pilgrimage swear allegiance again with the goals and ideals of Imam Hosein including battling with oppression, avoiding dualism, infidelity, not giving up oppression.

Images at Colosseum Giroc

San Pedro de Galdames. Thank you Tentipi for great service! This year, in spite of threat of daesh terrorist, more population wants to dispatch to Karbala from different countries.

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I love the shapes of the waves, some beautiful curves inside and out. Shiite Muslim who believe on Imam Hosein named the day of Imam Martyrdom Ashoora and 40 days after that his wife and Childs were allowed to meet his scared tomb is called Arbaein. Krasnodarskiy, Krasnodarskiy Kray, Russia.

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Ognuno sta solo sul cuor della terra trafitto da un raggio di sole: The biggest disaster of history is Martyrdom of Imam Hosein and his faithful companions. Really beautiful, but here is a glimpse into the basement below the living space above.

Last year, population of Imam Hosein pilgrims maybe reached to gjine 20 millions. A person who suffered martyrdom with his 72 faithful companion having parched lips, then their head were cut and their body were crushed under horse hooves and their family, wife, childes were took into captivity.

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Isla de Fuerteventura - Corralejo. Remembering our bus ride in the Mexican Mountains during my trip in Mexico. Imam Hosein mentioned that: Embalse de Barrios de Luna.

Bramiti in val Perlana Every year millions of people whether walking on their foot or by car from distant gbine neighbor country come to the Karbala on Arbaein.

Really loved the contrast here. Northern Ireland, you're sexy. These large crayfish can go hours on land, and months on land if given humidity.

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I've never taken this many scenery pictures, especially in only 3 days. Show Instant Engagement Smalia. Ok, Ireland gets some credit too because these were all taken near or on the border.

Getting away from the city I never give up oppression. Kruger National Park South Africa. He is the grandchild of the Prophet inviting the world to the peace, justice and goodness. La Punta, Callao, Peru. Last winter's storm tore up a lot, so amxlia fixed, and this week there will be washing and impregnation.

Cada homem deve inventar o seu caminho. One of the characteristic of Imam Hosein is that every believer remind him will be sad.

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